Before teaching, Matthew Kabel worked in Entertainment as a professional M.C. and Entertainment Booking Agent. Matthew is now a California Special Education Teacher and has been formally trained in Restorative Practices, Alternative to Suspension and is part of the MTSS leadership team. He has worked in different aspects of Special Education, with his first job as an American Sign Language Interpreter. Matthew wrote his first grant in 2016, the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA), and most recently Matthew co-wrote the Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS) grant. Matthew is passionate about education and inclusion for all students. “All means All” has become a common phrase used by supporters of MTSS. Grant writing is what has made MTSS possible within my school District and is an effective way to encourage positive changes district- wide.
Building relationships with our students that lead to better behaviors and academics in or classroom can make all the difference during our school year. This presentation is how educators can use the science of stories to build relationships of trust with their students that will help with classroom management, and academics. With a continuous integration of Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) into classrooms, educators are seeking strategies and interventions to build relationships of trust with students. Structured Storytelling helps educators build and facilitate these important relationships.