Steve is founder and President of Siras Systems which is the 2nd leading IEP system used in California. He brings 10 years of experience as a special education teacher prior to starting Siras Systems. He has a Masters in Educational Technology; BA in Educational Science; and a BS in clinical Psychology. Steve has been the president and founder of Siras Systems established in 1997. Siras Systems is a company that develops customized database systems and paperwork solutions that focuses on special education. Steve also comes to SIRAS Systems with a very unique perspective as a special education teacher and as a parent of a special needs child.
Steve Ombrek
SST Tracker Module The SST Module from Siras Systems uses an organized workflow to assist the user in planning, tracking, writing and following up on Student Study Team meetings. The system generates and validates the SST forms and follow-up needed to determine how to best ensure student success in school. Since the SST process can address a wide range of concerns at school, including medical needs, behavior, social emotional and/or academic concerns, SIRAS is useful in assisting in monitoring progress on tiered interventions (RTI/MTSS).
504 Plan Module The 504 Module from Siras Systems uses an organized workflow to assist the user in developing 504 plans in both English and in Spanish, easily coordinate with general education teachers using specialized communication features. A 504 plan is sometimes needed for students with a disability that affects a major life activity at school, attempting to remove barriers and to participate in both public elementary and secondary education. The 504 Module can be used in tandem with our SST Module and Special Education Module for a smooth workflow.