Jeff Thom graduated from Stanford Law School in 1978, after obtaining a bachelor’s degree in political science from Willamette University. Jeff worked as an attorney for the California Legislature for 30 years. He is currently the immediate past president of the California Council of the Blind and a current board member and former first vice president of the American Council of the Blind. He has served in a variety of blindness-related capacities on the national, state, and local level and is currently vice-chair of the Sacramento Regional Transit District Mobility Advisory Council and a member of the board of directors of Disability Rights California. He is married, is a father and grandfather and, has hosted 13 foreign exchange students. He also loves to read and watch sports.
Jeff Thom Vice-Chair of the Sacramento Regional Advisory Council
Member of the Board of Directors of Disability Rights California
This workshop will explore the legal basis for Orientation and Mobility as a related service. We will also examine the current issues facing the implementation of the services for students, Orientation and Mobility Specialists and districts.
The three presenters will discuss how collaboration between the parents, the students, the schools and the Orientation and Mobility Specialists must work in order for the implementation of the services to be successful.